
The Topics Meeting Planners Want for 2020

By Leah Doyle  

2020TopicsReportHeaderSelecting the right speaker and topic can make or break a meeting, and professional planners prioritize accordingly.

Together with Jay Baer and Michelle Joyce Speaker Management, we surveyed 150 meeting planners asking for their insight, and then we compiled the data into this free report.

So... What topics rank highest for meeting planners in 2020?

To get the best insight, we asked a similar question two ways.

TopicsInterestedIn_dataimageWhen asked a slightly different way, and allowing for fewer answers, meeting planners ranked the topics similarly, but not entirely the same. Leadership and motivation remained in the top spot, while innovation and creativity moved up a notch to second place, switching places with trends and disruption, now in third place.

TopicsInterestedIn_dataimage2In addition, planners say that a little personalization goes a long way. Boilerplate speeches get boos from three quarters of meeting professionals – audiences are craving customized messages.

As the largest non-exclusive speakers bureau in the United States, we know how much work goes into planning for the programs at our clients' events, and selecting the right speaker with the right topic to meet your objectives is an important step. 

Click here to get the full report and see the results and analysis of the 150 professional meeting planners surveyed

Written by Leah Doyle

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