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April Hansen

Top 100 Leader, TEDx Speaker, Workforce Expert

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   WI

  April Hansen Profile

For April, inspiration isn't something that's only found in incredible feats of an Olympic athlete or heroic wartime survival stories. It is found in everyday people who do their work well, face their human doubts, and find a way to thrive. April is inspired by these people because she is one of them.

Forging her way from a small farm town in Wisconsin to becoming one of the nation's foremost experts on workforce activation and hypergrowth leadership, April has carved a path of passion-oriented success fueled by curiosity and unapologetic courage. April's entrepreneurial zest has shaped her career journey from being a frustrated nurse to a high-powered business executive. April's accomplishments demonstrate that personal success and professional satisfaction are attainable for all.

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