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Chip Bell

Best-Selling Author, Customer Loyalty, Innovation & Leadership Expert

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   GA


Customer Service Innovation Strategic Planning Best-Selling Author Future Trends Military/Veteran Sales Marketing Peak Performance Consumer Trends


  Chip Bell Profile

Chip R. Bell has helped many Fortune 100 companies dramatically enhance their bottom lines and marketplace reputation through innovative customer-centric strategies that address the needs of today's picky, fickle, vocal and "all about me" customers.

Dr. Bell's keynotes reveal the best practices from the organizations leading the customer loyalty charge, giving audience's powerful cutting-edge ideas and unique strategies they can put into practice the minute they leave his keynote. Always customer-centered, Bell customizes all his presentations to meet unique organizational needs through a background study, pre-event conference call, and phone interviews to better understand specific audience needs and challenges.

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Innovative Service

  Chip Bell Talk Titles


Customer Service Innovation Strategic Planning Best-Selling Author Future Trends Military/Veteran Sales Marketing Peak Performance Consumer Trends


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