Other Titles:
Successful Meeting Reboot
How do we live longer and healthier while being more effective in our work? Catering corporate events with healthy, fresh, real foods will increase energy, stamina, concentration and learning. Smart organizations utilize the power of health education and media to equip their audiences with nutritious foods to promote healthier meetings. Research shows companies will revive employee resilience, boost productivity, reduce sick days, and improve their bottom line. Discover what it takes to make events healthier with cutting-edge culinary and nutrition. Wellness is the new cultural shift and now is the opportunity to meet this growing demand with creative ideas and inspiring solutions.
Boost: The Single Most Effective Way To More Energy
The American Public Health Association estimates the direct costs of medical care and indirect costs of lost productivity totals hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Based on consulting with hundreds of health professionals, David Nico, PhD, author of Diet Diagnosis, believes the right energy balance is the single most effective way to boost workplace effectiveness. How do you achieve vitality in a fast-paced, highly stressed world?
In Boost, Nico presents the simple system to increase your energy levels and eliminate the 4 global health risk factors that lead to diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The objective of life is to experience a constant flow of energy that nourishes, sustains, and repairs your entire being.
Nico breaks the stubborn health myths and reveals the keys to look and feel your best while enhancing career success.
Generation Health
Attract, retain, and achieve focused results with top talent from Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z through health, wellbeing, and lifestyle.
In an era of constant multitasking and distractions, how do you get focused and productive work from younger generations? Learn how to work with Generation Health and their desire for meaning, purpose, values, and lifestyles, while at the same time surpassing organizational goals. Results matter, not just hours. Select, invest, and support the right talent for peak organizational performance.
Worldwide, it is estimated at least 2 billion adults and children struggle with their weight which increases the risk factors of the top lifestyle diseases. This is tragic and preventable. Pulling from his experiences, David Nico, who is a certified wellness coach and media personality, shows why what we put in our mouth ultimately transforms into how we feel and look.
The Corporate bottom-Line
David Nico discusses how executives and any corporation/business can maximize its bottom-line. Getting employees to perform at a peak level to do his/her job. Healthy employees and less stress at a cellular level will make any company more financially profitable.