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Nyeeam Hudson

The Youngest Motivational Speaker

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   GA


Motivation Overcoming Adversity

  Nyeeam Hudson Profile

Nyeeam Hudson has captured global and national celebrity attention and audiences. "The International Motivational Speaker" is one of "12 kids who rocked the world in 2016" according to the Huffington Post, and Forbes would like for you to "meet the most motivational kid in America." Nyeeam has been interviewed and has appeared on countless media platforms, including Good Morning America (ABC-NY).

Nyeeam Hudson has written his first book, We Are All Kings – A Motivational Guide for Parents. He shares his journey to encourage young boys to believe in themselves as kings of greatness. This impressive book has generated statewide momentum, while receiving great support and contributions via GoFundMe We Are All Kings.

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Motivation Overcoming Adversity

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