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Robb Zbierski

Trainer and Personal Coach with Freedom Personal Development

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   IL

  Robb Zbierski Profile

Robb Zbierski is a professional speaker, trainer and personal coach with Freedom Personal Development. Working with companies across a broad spectrum of industries, Robb helps clients develop professional skills and positive mindsets that let them discover their potential and maximize their results.

Robb's purpose is to inject excitement into everything he does. This purpose provides Robb the means to guide others (and himself) to become more effective in what they do while enjoying every minute of doing it. Because when you can more effectively accomplish the things you feel like you NEED to do, it lets you have way more fun when it comes time to doing the things you WANT to do!

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  Robb Zbierski Talk Titles

Train Your Brain For Success

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