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Rorke Denver

Navy SEAL Commander & "New York Times" Best-Selling Author

Speaker's Fee Range : $30,000 - $50,000
Travels From :   CO


Change Inspiration Leadership Motivation Patriotism Peak Performance Actors / Celebrities Best-Selling Author Military/Veteran Team Building


  Rorke Denver Profile

Commander Rorke T. Denver has run every phase of training for the US Navy SEALs and led special-forces missions in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and other international hot spots. He starred in the hit film Act of Valor, which is based on true SEAL adventures.

His New York Times bestseller, Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior, takes you inside his personal story and the fascinating, demanding SEAL training program he now oversees. In his second book On Heroism: Why We Fight and Why We Fight as One, out April 2016, Rorke will tackle the questions that have emerged about America's past decade at war–from what makes a hero to why we fight and what it does to us.

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  Rorke Denver Talk Titles


Change Inspiration Leadership Motivation Patriotism Peak Performance Actors / Celebrities Best-Selling Author Military/Veteran Team Building


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