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Timothy Chou

Expert on Cloud Computing, IoT, & AI; Stanford Lecturer, Investor, Author

Speaker's Fee Range : Contact SpeakInc for Fee
Travels From :   CA


Technology / IT Best-Selling Author Education Big Data / Predic... Disruption Innovation


  Timothy Chou Profile

Timothy Chou has a career spanning academia, successful (and not so successful) startups and large corporations. He was one of only six people to ever hold the President title at Oracle. As President of Oracle On Demand he grew the cloud business from it's very beginning. Today he serves on the Board of Directors of Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB) and Teradata (NYSE:TDC).

He started his career at one of the original Kleiner Perkins startups, Tandem Computers. He's invested in and been a contributor to a number of other startups, some you've heard of like WebEx, and others you've never heard of but were sold to companies like Cisco and Oracle. Recently he became the Chairman of the Alchemist Accelerator focusing on industrial IoT and has invested in a select group of young companies all focused in cloud computing, blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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Internet of Things

  Timothy Chou Talk Titles


Technology / IT Best-Selling Author Education Big Data / Predic... Disruption Innovation


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