David E. Appel is the Managing Partner at Appel Insurance Advisors, LLC. A 1992 graduate of the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, David concentrates his practice with a consultative, service oriented approach to personal and business insurance planning. His primary focus is in helping clients protect their families and businesses from the financial pitfalls of death, disability, and the drain of long term care expenses, as well as assisting through other high quality advisors with their savings and generation-to-generation wealth transfer goals.
David's record of service to clients is reflected in the recognition received from several professional organizations. He is a eighteen-year qualifying and life member of the International Million-Dollar Round Table (MDRT), with five consecutive Top-of-the-Table qualifications and eight Court-of-the-Table qualifications. This places him among the top quarter of one percent, of the world's best life insurance and financial services professionals. He is a recipient of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) National Quality Award, and the Vincent C. Bowhers Service Award. He was highlighted in NAIFA's National publication,"Advisor Today", in July 2004 in an article entitled "Four under Forty" portraying four top Advisors and community leaders in the United States under the age of 40.