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Mark Allen

The Greatest Triathlete of All Time

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 or Less
Travels From :   CA


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  Mark Allen Profile

The Ironman Triathlon held on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the most difficult one-day sporting event in the world. It starts with a 2.4-mile ocean swim, followed by 112 miles of cycling, and then finishes with a 26.2-mile marathon. For most of the 1500 men and women who compete in the Ironman crossing the finish line amounts to a victory.

Mark had a different destiny. His first six attempts, all losses, were casualties of everything from flat tires to internal bleeding. Yet each defeat served to galvanize his commitment to fulfilling his dream of becoming the Ironman Champion. Finally on his seventh attempt Mark won, beating Dave Scott in triathlon's greatest race ever.

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Athletes / Sports Media / Journalis... Adventure Empowerment Decision Making Inspiration Leadership Motivation Overcoming Adversity Peak Performance Success Best-Selling Author Life and Work Bal... Health/Wellness/F...

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