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Mark Gungor

Relationship & Personality Expert, Author & CEO of Laugh Your Way, America!

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   WI


Communication Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Faith / Religion CEO / Senior Exec... Music / Entertain... Relationships / N...


  Mark Gungor Profile

Mark Gungor is one of the most sought-after speakers on relationships in the country. Each year thousands of couples attend his hilarioius and effective seminars. Mark's candid and comedic approach uses unforgettable illustrations and the power of laughter to teach proven principles that are guaranteed to strengthen any relationship.

"I love to inspire people's lives with truth and humor. There are a lot of performers that make people laugh, and there are a lot of speakers who give solid principles for living. I want to do both," Mark says. His take on relationship issues is refreshingly free of both churchy and psychological lingo. "Our secular culture over-romanticizes relationships and our Christian culture over-spiritualizes them. The reality is that relationships between men and women are very down to earth," Mark comments. "I am about helping couples get it right, get along, have fun, and achieve a successful relationship."

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Communication Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Faith / Religion CEO / Senior Exec... Music / Entertain... Relationships / N...


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