Other Titles
Gender Jive:
Funny Things Happen When Men & Women Talk
While talking to a member of the opposite sex, how many times have you either said or heard, "You just don't understand?" Because men and women tend to communicate differently, misunderstandings may arise causing resentment and repercussions. This entertaining and interactive program shows you how to avoid the pitfalls of male-female communication. You'll develop a deeper awareness of how to capitalize on our differences by exploring techniques that can enhance communication both at work and at home. The result is decreased stress and increased peace of mind. At work that means greater productivity/profitability and at home it means happiness and harmony.
Shift Happens... What's Your Flex Factor?
Change is something you can count on. It strikes out of the blue, occurs as you move through the stages of life, or presents itself as you alter the way you do business. Your ability to embrace change is critical to your success and yet it is often feared, resisted, and sometimes even ignored. This highly interactive program helps you develop positive attitudes about change while helping you increase your ability to be flexible. You'll discover how to develop change-based philosophies and leadership strategies. In doing so, you'll help yourself and others successfully maneuver these rapidly changing times. And—you'll laugh while you learn!
Connecting With Customers
Service is critical if organizations are to remain competitive in today's business environment. This engaging program, filled with real-life stories and practical applications, helps you develop strategies to focus on the customer by realizing service is spirit; it comes from within. Learn how to sell more with superior service, how to retain and maintain your current customers, and how to increase your customer base. Nancy shows you how to identify "moments of truth" and how to create "magic moments" for your customers. You'll even learn how to defuse hostility and deal with difficult people. All with less stress!
Leadership Dynamics
This three day program covers segments of all of the above in addition to techniques regarding teams and technology. Participants have an opportunity to explore and develop personal styles and strategies for successful leadership.
Maximize Meetings Results
Do you go to too many meetings? Are many of them meaningless? Are they inadequately prepared? Are agendas non-existent and desired outcomes vague? Do you wonder why people don't stay focused and tend to waste valuable time? If you answered YES to any of these questions, this class is for you. Get ready to participate in this highly interactive workshop that addresses the critical skills needed to communicate and facilitate during meaningful meetings.
Team Talk: A Practical Approach to Team Building
Teams that talk together work together better. This interactive, entertaining program helps you understand the stages of team development so you can capitalize on individual differences. Attendees will learn how to establish and implement a team charter, explore roles and responsibilities of all team members, learn how to resolve conflicts collaboratively, and discover how to overcome barriers to team performance.
Improv Your Life
Life doesn't come with a rule book, so when the script hits the fan…improvise. Experience seriously fun ways to improve your flexibility, embrace change, and breeze through problems. Improv helps you think on your feet, be creative and innovative, listen carefully, become a captivating speaker or presenter, and get the most out of every moment. It's great for promoting teamwork, reducing stress, developing resiliency, and creating dynamic leaders. Participation in this program will challenge your spontaneity, imagination and intuition.
Email tends to take away the warmth and nuance you'd have communicating face-to-face often leaving your intended meaning to get lost in translation. This kind of communication breakdown can be costly both in time and money. In this program you'll be presented with tips and tools to ensure your email style makes you look as smart as possible while showing you how NOT to annoy those on the receiving end of your messages.